His Excellency Ambassador Ilhom Nematov Sends Navruz Greetings
Dr. Diana M. Pearce
Mr. Dan Peterson
Seattle-Tashkent Sister City Association
March 18, 2013
Dear Dr. Pearce and Mr. Peterson,
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming “Navruz” Holiday, which is widely celebrated among Uzbek communities worldwide. I am sorry I couldn’t attend the special celebrations in Seattle on March 16, as I was busy with Foreign Minister Kamilov’s visit to Washington, D.C. However, I was happy to learn that this event was a success and I look forward to any future joint events.
This year is especially special for us as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Seattle-Tashkent relations and I look forward to your thoughts what we can do together in Seattle to strengthen these special ties.
“Navruz” generally is very tightly connected with new hopes and expectations. Therefore, in these special days, I wish you and your families sound health and every success in your endeavors as well as peace and prosperity for all people of the United States.
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Ilhom Nematov